I Introduction

The current framework for distributing digital publications heavily relies on publishing institutions, which act as trusted third parties managing payment and distribution. While effective for a majority of publications, this system inherently grants considerable editorial control to these institutions [1]. Such control, influenced by the cultural stances and values of these entities, poses a significant barrier to achieving truly unrestricted distribution of content. This limitation not only elevates distribution costs but also narrows the channels available for niche works, substantially impeding the dissemination of countercultural material. Additionally, the constraints on non-mainstream content distribution inherently lead to increased costs, further restricting the diversity and reach of such materials.

As a result of the content explosion brought about by developments in artificial intelligence, traditional content review mechanisms in the publishing industry are under intense pressure. Publishing institutions, unable to decide whether the content aligns with their publishing standards, are passing these costs onto creators, who are required to provide more unnecessary information [2]. These actions are raising the threshold for the publishing industry, and a certain percentage of false rejections are considered inevitable. While this problem can be avoided by selling physical publications in person, it is regrettable that cultural content products are either refused to be distributed via the internet due to payment issues or forgo the opportunity to generate income through internet distribution.

Over the past decade, the evolution of blockchain technology, underpinned by cryptographic principles rather than trust, has introduced an electronic payment system facilitating direct transactions between consenting parties, independent of a trusted intermediary. The immutable nature of blockchain transactions offers sellers robust protection against fraud, while the development of smart contracts increasingly provides safeguards for buyers.

This paper presents a decentralized publishing model leveraging smart contracts to manage electronic payments and restrict unauthorized multiple access to content. By employing this approach, the framework incentivizes word-of-mouth promoters, entrusting them with the responsibility of content distribution, thus heralding a new era in the dissemination of digital publications.

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