SBTs vs.Traditional Publishing Methods

The integration of Soul Bound Tokens (SBTs) in publishing presents a stark contrast to traditional publishing methods. Traditional systems largely depend on centralized entities for creator verification, copyright management, and royalty distributions. These processes can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and prone to errors and fraudulent activities. In contrast, SBTs offer a decentralized approach, providing a higher level of security and efficiency.

Creator Verification: Traditionally, creator verification has been a manual and often subjective process, involving publishers and legal entities. SBTs revolutionize this by automating and securing the verification process. An SBT assigned to a creator is a tamper-proof digital signature, ensuring that content creation is unequivocally linked to the rightful creator [5].

Copyright Management: In conventional publishing, managing copyrights is a legal and administrative challenge, often requiring intermediaries and resulting in delayed royalty payments. With SBTs, copyrights are digitized and encoded into smart contracts, ensuring immediate and transparent management. This not only simplifies the process but also reduces the potential for disputes.

Royalty Distributions: Traditional methods involve complex agreements and manual tracking of sales for royalty calculations, leading to delays and inaccuracies. SBTs, integrated with smart contracts, automate royalty distributions based on predefined criteria. This ensures immediate, accurate, and fair compensation for creators [6].

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