XI Conclusion

We have proposed a digital publication system that does not rely on centralized institutions for electronic payments and authorized content access. Initially, we address authorized access to the content using soul-bound tokens and then resolve encrypted payments using smart contracts. Based on this, we explore the business and technical possibilities of encrypting real-world assets such as copyrights. Any creator can publish any content in this system and earn income. Works can be transferred directly from one person to another without the involvement of any centralized third-party institutions. Anyone can freely select content for distribution and sale, earning commissions in the process. Simultaneously, individuals can also gain incentives by governing NFTs holding copyrights. This will bring a whole new dynamic to the curation economy in the content consumption sphere. The anchor token of this system provides incentives for the initial development of the system. Consensus mechanisms entirely safeguard the privacy of creators and the attribution of works.

This distribution system entirely lacks content censorship, naturally bypassing any scrutiny for the existence of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content(AIGC). In an increasingly AIGC-centric future, it may potentially supplant existing centralized distribution systems, freeing itself from the constraints of traditional copyright protection mechanisms to become a more significant content distribution system.

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